
ON TO 2050 – Local Strategy Maps

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ON TO 2050 includes a number of local strategy maps that help relate larger data to the municipal or community-level. The maps include information relating to community, prosperity, the environment, governance, and mobility. Explore the interactive maps below and download the data used to create them on the CMAP Data Hub.


About the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

Created in 2005, CMAP is the award-winning regional planning organization for the northeastern Illinois counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will. CMAP operates under authorizing legislation known as Public Act 095-0677 and by-laws.

The agency and its partners developed and are now implementing ON TO 2050, a new long-range plan to help the seven counties and 284 communities of northeastern Illinois implement strategies that address transportation, housing, economic development, open space, the environment, and other quality-of-life issues.


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